Monday 23 September 2013

Public Hearing Against VUmc Gender Team Tomorrow In Amsterdam

Tomorrow, Tuesday September the 24th, the first public hearing against the VUmc gender team will take place in the case I started via my personal injuries expert Yme Drost last year at the medical disciplinary commission in Amsterdam. Complaints against the VUmc gender team include lack of psychological care and lack of any proper diagnostics aimed at diagnosing my intersex condition.

The hearing will take place at the Courthouse Amsterdam at the Parnassusweg 220 in Amsterdam at 14.00 hours. I will be present with my lawyer, Yme Drost. Of the VUmc gender team the following will be present: Mr. van Waesberghe (radiologist), Mr. van Trotsenburg (gynaecologist) and Mr. de Ronde (endocrinologist). Not present will be Ms. Cohen-Kettenis, who will be represented by the VUmc gender team's lawyer.

Any interested in following this hearing can report to the main entrance of the courthouse for the exact location of the hearing.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wish I could be there for you Maya
But I will be keeping my paws and whiskers crossed for you and keeping you in my thoughts hoping for the best.
Love you =^_^=