Monday 4 April 2011

JHM Translation Costs

I just got an email from my coordinator at John Hopkins Medical regarding the details about the translation of the medical reports. Total costs are US$824. The total budget I have wired them so far is $1,492 and the physicians cost $1,350, leaving a gap of $682 (EUR 480). This will have to be wired to JHM before the physicians can render their opinion. Probably by Friday, maybe next week Monday, as the translation is expected to take 4 business days.

The annoying thing is that I am very nearly capable of paying for this myself, with my Bbz welfare nearly arranged after a very long delay, and with me in the process of getting back the few thousand Euro from my insurance company I paid for electrolysis therapy. Whether I'll see any of this money before Friday is very much in doubt. If not I may have to borrow money again.


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